Shine Bright 2020 Annual Fund Campaign
Date Posted: Monday, 30th November 2020

Choose Your Envelope

316 Different Envelopes. One Common Goal.

SEES is excited to kick off this year’s “Shine Bright” Campaign with a new, fun and easy “Envelope Pull!”


Above you will find a “Choose Your Envelope” button that will take you to 316* virtual “envelopes.” The number on the envelope is the amount of the gift you will make. For example, #1 Envelope is a $1.00 gift. Once every envelope has been grabbed and all the corresponding gifts are made, we will reach our Annual Fund goal of $50,000.

*Update 12/1/2020 — We are 80% of the way to our goal, and we would love to be able to reach our goal in the next two weeks!!! In an effort to attain the last 20%, we have RESET the envelopes….we now have envelopes ranging from $1 to $144. Hopefully, this will allow all of our families to participate. If we can get all 144 pulled in the next two weeks, we will reach our $50,000 goal!!!


Each Fall, SEES kicks off its annual giving campaign. The purpose of this campaign is to close the 11% gap in our operating budget that tuition paid does not cover. For those who may be new to SEES, or to private Catholic education, this intentional shortfall exists to keep SEES education accessible to as many families as possible.


We are proud that our tuition remains one of the lowest in our entire Diocese and beyond, and that is made possible through the generosity of current and past parents, grandparents, family and friends, faculty and staff, board members, alumni, community partners, parish members and beyond. Each unrestricted gift that is made to our school, no matter how great or small, helps to close the gap and keep SEES affordable and accessible to many who otherwise wouldn’t have a private education as an option.


A Message for SEES Grandparents
Date Posted: Sunday, 29th November 2020

We truly missed being able to host our annual SEES Grandparents Luncheon this year, but wanted to let all our grandparents know how much we love and appreciate them. Special thanks to Mr. Adam Burgess and Ms. Abby McDonald for organizing this video message.