2020-2021 Eagles Cheerleading
Date Posted: Wednesday, 26th February 2020


Greetings SEES families! Our Athletics department is excited to welcome Eagles Cheerleading back to Campus beginning with the 2020-2021 School Year. Please see the program overview below and complete the Gauge of Interest form by clicking the button above.


Developmental Squad (grades 2-4). Our developmental squad will focus on the fundamentals of cheerleading, with a primary focus on stretching, cheer memorization, jumps, school spirit and team building. Where permitted, our developmental squad will cheer for corresponding grade-level flag football, volleyball, basketball, cross country and track and field events. Squad members will also be spirit leaders at pep rallies and other school events. We hope to have a developmental squad of 15 to 25 participants, led by two coaches and one junior coach (high school or college student). We will also need to have one to two team parent reps that can help support practices, games and other events.

JV Squad (grades 5-6). Our JV squad will begin with fundamentals of cheerleading, with a primary focus on stretching, cheer memorization, jumps, school spirit and team building. As the skill level of the squad progresses, we will move to more complex cheers, jumps and low level stunting. Where permitted, our JV squad will cheer for corresponding grade-level flag football, volleyball, basketball, cross country and track and field events. Squad members will also be spirit leaders at pep rallies and other school events. We hope to have a JV squad of 15 to 25 participants, led by two coaches and one junior coach (high school or college student). We will also need to have one to two team parent reps that can help support practices, games and other events.

Varsity Squad (grades 7-8). Our Varsity squad will begin with fundamentals of cheerleading, with a primary focus on stretching, cheer memorization, jumps, school spirit and team building. As the skill level of the squad progresses, we will move to more complex cheers, jumps and low level stunting. Depending on the team interest, we would also look to do some low-level, local competition. Where permitted, our Varsity squad will cheer for corresponding grade-level flag football, volleyball, basketball, cross country and track and field events. Squad members will also be spirit leaders at pep rallies and other school events. We hope to have a Varsity squad of 15 to 25 participants, led by two coaches and one junior coach (high school or college student). We will also need to have one to two team parent reps that can help support practices, games and other events.


Students of all skill levels are welcome! This will be an open team, with no try-out required. Coaches will work together and with the students to get each squad member to a place that they feel comfortable and confident. Cheerleading is for everyone!


Practices will begin in late July-early August. We understand family plans and travel during those fleeting weeks of summer, but attendance at each and every practice possible is strongly encouraged. It helps solidify team cohesiveness and allows us to work on cheer memorization, jumps, etc.

Games. We will ask for parents to be patient as we work our cheer teams back in to participating on the sideline in support of our other SEES athletics teams. It has been decades since we have had a cheer program and there will be an adjustment period for everyone! Your understanding and positive feedback will be critical as we redevelop our squads.


The Cheer Season will technically run congruent to the school year. For example, for those that register in April 2020, the cheer season will run August 2020-April 2021. We understand that this is a long commitment, so please consider other athletic obligations before registration.

We will conduct sign-ups during April 2020, as uniform orders will need to be placed by May 1, 2020 to have everything in before the start of summer practices.

We are currently considering uniform options. Having a reasonably-priced, quality, appropriate uniform for our students is very important to our community.  We are confident that our uniforms will consist of the following core items: Developmental squad — practice wear (two tees, two shorts) and warm ups. JV and Varsity squads — practice wear (two tees, two shorts), warm ups, sleeveless and long sleeve cheer shell and cheer skort. Practice and Uniform bows as well as poms will be covered by a registration fee.

As more information becomes available, we will be sure to push it out to our community! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Abby McDonald at [email protected] or 804-272-2881.

Register Now for 2020 Spring Kaleidoscope Session
Date Posted: Sunday, 23rd February 2020

The Spring session of Kaleidoscope, the SEES award-winning afterschool enrichment program, begins the second week of March. Tuesday classes start March 10 and Thursday classes start March 12. Wednesday classes will begin on March 18. Class descriptions and schedule may be found in the Kaleidoscope Registration Form emailed to families. Registration may be completed online or via the paper form.

Online registrations will be closed at 11:45 pm on Tuesday, March 3, 2020

To pay with check or cash, send a printed copy of the paper registration form and Adult Hold Harmless waiver with payment to the office by end of school day on Tuesday, March 3 (c/o Ms. Cooper). Checks should be made payable to St. Edward-Epiphany School or SEES.



All due dates are hard and fast as time is needed to determine if class number minimums have been met. If class minimums aren’t met, the class will be cancelled and coordinator will contact parents to see if another class might be acceptable. If another class won’t work, payment will be refunded.

Classes can fill up quickly! Please get registration in as soon as possible. If a class fills up, coordinator will email parents with this information and will remove the class as an option from the online registration form. Any registration forms submitted for a full class will be returned.

After registration is received, please watch for an email (by end of day Friday, March 6) confirming your registration and where you will pick your child up at dismissal time. If you don’t receive an email, please email Ms. Cooper directly ([email protected]) to make sure your information has been received.

For all questions, please email Tonya Cooper at [email protected].