St. Edward-Epiphany Catholic School is committed to the safety of our students, faculty, staff and campus visitors.

Campus Security

Our safety and security practices include, but are not limited to:

  • Secured access controls at every school building entrance
  • Key fob access for all external doorways and classroom wings
  • Security surveillance cameras inside and outside all buildings, with 24-hour monitoring of campus facilities and grounds
  • Shatter-resistant glass with privacy coating on doors and windows
  • Visitor management system to electronically screen and track all school visitors and contractors
  • A comprehensive emergency/crisis plan and training for faculty, staff and students 

If you have questions or concerns about the safety or well-being of your child while under our supervision, please do not hesitate to contact our Administrative Team.


Campus Visitors

All campus visitors and volunteers must sign-in at the school office and obtain a visitor badge prior to being granted access to our facilities. These badges must be visible at all times. No unauthorized persons are allowed in the halls, classrooms or on campus grounds during school hours.

Parents wishing to meet with teachers or other members of our faculty/staff must enter through the front office and follow the check-in protocol listed above.  Parents and guardians may not “drop-in” to a classroom or any other campus location without prior approval. Ordinarily, conferences will be scheduled and verified in advance by note or phone call.


Technology/Social Media

The focus and intent of SEES Technology Integration is to achieve an ideal balance between traditional learning/teaching methods/tools and technology that is seamlessly interwoven throughout our Curriculum. Providing students with these tools and resources helps them to become 21st-century learners, who are well-prepared for the increase in technology use they will experience in high school, college, and beyond.

All students, parents, and staff members are required to sign and acknowledge the Responsible Use of Technology Policy. To review our Technology Policies and Procedures, please click here to view our Handbook.


Social/Emotional Support

The social and emotional well-being of our students remains a top priority.  Our School Counseling Office works closely with Administration to support Classroom Teachers with grade-level appropriate lessons/lesson plans on social-emotional skills (SEL) strategies for managing classroom behavior, tools for emotional check-ins, guidance on addressing student conflict, coping tools for challenging situations, information on supporting students with specific emotional needs and collaborative opportunities to identify and address student concerns.  Key aspects of these resources include (but are not limited to): 

  • SEL Curriculum:

    Providing grade-level appropriate, structured lessons and activities focused on self-awareness, self-regulation, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.

  • Classroom Management Strategies:

    Offering techniques for creating a positive classroom climate, managing disruptive behaviors, and promoting cooperation among students. 

  • Emotional Check-In Tools:

    Sharing strategies like visual aids, “feeling charts,” or simple questions to help students identify and express their emotions in the classroom. 

  • Conflict Resolution Techniques:
    Providing methods for teaching students how to resolve conflicts peacefully, including active listening, compromise, and assertive communication. 
  • Individual Student Support:

    Consulting with teachers on how to best support students experiencing specific challenges like worry, anxiety or grief. 

  • Parent Education:
    Sharing information and resources to help parents support their children’s social and emotional development at home. 


Maintaining a Safe Environment 

In accordance with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, all adults who regularly or routinely work with children/youth or those who have highly responsible volunteer roles, are required to complete the Protecting God’s Children for Adults training. This includes (but is not limited to) the following:

  • Diocesan Employees (lay and religious)
  • Coaches and/or Mentors
  • Parents/Guardians of Current Students
  • Volunteers and/or Chaperones
  • Tutors and/or other Academic-Support Staff
  • Instructors for any Extra-Curricular programs


VIRTUS Training – Initial Training

The Protecting God’s Children for Adults (“VIRTUS”) training is a research-based training program that educates adults on how to become better protectors of children from child sexual abuse. Participants will learn how to become safer adults who are a part of the solution to prevent, and respond to, child sexual abuse.

Participants will learn:

  • The reality and context of child sexual abuse, as well as victim/survivor advocacy.
  • How to identify problematic behavior that adults exhibit.
  • How abuse affects survivors, their families, and their communities.
  • The importance of maintaining healthy boundaries with children and youth.
  • Empowering action items and five comprehensive research-based steps to prevent and effectively respond to child sexual abuse, including: identifying warning signs of adult behavior, screening and selecting employees and volunteers, using technology appropriately when interacting with minors, responding to disclosures from children and youth, communicating concerns about inappropriate behavior and reporting suspected abuse.

VIRTUS training is available either in-person or in live virtual sessions. The link below connects to the Virtus website listing of currently scheduled training sessions within the Diocese of Richmond. To register for one of the sessions, click the Start Registration button. You will be prompted to create a user id and password. Follow the prompts to continue the registration process. After entering your personal information, a drop down function will enable you to select a Diocese of Richmond training center location/date/time. Continue to follow instructions as indicated to complete the pre-registration process. The Protecting God’s Children for Adults session is not recommended for those under the age of 18.  To register for VIRTUS Training click  Start Registration.


VIRTUS Training – Renewal Training

All adults who regularly or routinely work with children/youth or those who have highly responsible volunteer roles, must complete a mandatory refresher program every five (5) years. The Healthy Boundaries for Adults: Boundary Development and Implementation training is required (but is not limited to) the following groups/individuals:

  • Diocesan Employees (lay and religious)
  • Coaches and/or Mentors
  • Parents/Guardians of Current Students
  • Volunteers and/or Chaperones
  • Tutors and/or other Academic-Support Staff
  • Instructors for any Extra-Curricular programs

This module addresses the proper development of healthy boundaries, and the implementation of them within the ministry environment. The module seeks to equip the caring adult with the information needed to move past simply understanding boundaries and helps to put them into practice. Best practices of appropriate and inappropriate behavior will be discussed. Training groups include necessary boundaries between adults and children in ministry, and necessary boundaries between adults in ministry together.


Reporting Resources

The Diocese of Richmond encourages individuals who have been sexually abused by a priest, deacon, religious, lay employee or volunteer of the Diocese to report abuse directly to law enforcement, including Child Protective Services (CPS) at 1-800-552-7096. In addition, we place no deadlines or time limits on those who contact the diocese to report the sexual abuse of minors by priests, deacons, and or other personnel.

After first contacting the civil authorities, in a commitment to support and facilitate healing, individuals who have been sexually abused by a priest, deacon, religious, lay employee, or volunteer of the Diocese of Richmond are then encouraged to contact the confidential Victim Assistance Reporting 24 Hour Number 1-877-887-9603 or the Director of Safe Environment 804-622-5203 or by email at [email protected].

To make a report in writing, forward a letter describing the situation to the Office of Child Protection/Safe Environment. Correspondence should be signed and provide contact information. Letters should be sent to:

The Bishop’s Office or the Director of Safe Environment
Catholic Diocese of Richmond
7800 Carousel Lane
Richmond, VA 23294

If you suspect a child is in imminent danger from abuse, please call 911 immediately


Important Links | Diocese of Richmond Office of Safe Environment


Reporting Information 

Victim Assistance Outreach


Policies & Safe Environment Guidelines

Background Screenings 

Safe Environment Resources 


Vulnerable Adults

Although the Protecting God’s Children for Adults program is primarily designed to address the issues of creating safe environments for children and young people, much of what it promotes is applicable to the vulnerable adult population as well. The term ‘vulnerable adults’ can apply to people with a physical, mental, or emotional condition or an illness that renders them unable to defend themselves, protect themselves, or get help for themselves when injured or emotionally abused. The term can also apply to the elderly population.

This is a supplemental module to our existing “Protecting God’s Children for Adults” training sessions.  The online module, “Vulnerable Adults Training Module” describes various definitions of vulnerable adults, as well as the reality and context of abuse of these individuals.  In addition, five steps and best practice actions are presented to help caring adults understand proper behavior to prevent abuse and to respond appropriately if made aware of a problem.

Vulnerable Adults Guide


Empowering God’s Children

The prevention of child sexual abuse requires more than adult awareness, education, and training about the nature and scope of the problem. We must also give children and youth the tools they need to help us keep them safe by educating them regarding boundaries, safe and unsafe behaviors and healthy relationships. Empowering God’s Children® is an age-appropriate comprehensive program through which educators (teachers, catechists and youth ministers) and parents can give children and youth the tools they need to protect themselves and teach them what to do if someone tries to violate their boundaries. All materials are available in English and Spanish.

Each year, the program provides a theme that introduces and builds on the basic concepts of the Teaching Boundaries and Safety Guide. The material is developmentally appropriate for each age group and includes content and activities that reinforce the message. Within each lesson plan is the ability to tailor the activities and messaging to meet the needs of the children and youth at all levels.

Empowering God’s Children – Parent Guide


Training for Youth Employees or Volunteers

The Diocese of Richmond values the contribution of teenagers employed or who serve in volunteer assignments. To ensure the safety of children and young people, prior to starting their assignment, teenagers are to complete an online VIRTUS training module – Boundaries Module for Youth Who are Employees or Assisting/Volunteers. This training module is highly encouraged for teen volunteers, but is mandatory for teen employees. To register for this training, parents/guardians of the youth employee or volunteer are required to click on the following link to register and receive an authorization code to allow their teenager to register and complete the training program.  Registration Link

Virtus Teen Program Parent Guide


Additional Training for Adults: Become a VIRTUS Facilitator

The Office of Safe Environment is grateful for our VIRTUS facilitators, who graciously offer their time to facilitate the Protecting God’s Children for Adults program. Due to this commitment our employees and volunteers are better equipped to identify, report, and prevent child sexual abuse. In preparation for the role of a facilitator, all individuals must complete the Protecting God’s Children for Adults Facilitator Training

Facilitator Information

To register for VIRTUS Training click  Start Registration

Safe Environment Team

Cinthya Duke Justin Andrew Abby McDonald
On-Site Virtus Coordinator Principal On-Site VIRTUS Facilitator
(804) 272-2881 x 301 (804) 272-2881 x 311 (804) 272-2881 x 342