Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a guidance counselor for students?
- The SEES School Counseling Office employs a School Counselor who provides direct services for student emotional, social and academic needs, as well as help with high school transition, study skills, vocational exploration, and more. Services are offered by academic division level (Primary, Intermediate, and Middle School). Resources also include information about outside Licensed Professional Counseling when services needed fall outside the scope of the School Counseling Office. Parents have the option to sign a release form allowing our School Counselor to work with the LPC to help apply interventions in the school setting.
What is the E3 Program? How are resources for special needs students determined and by whom?
- The Exceptional and Enrichment Education Program (E3) is a resource program available for all students who have been formally diagnosed with a learning deficiency. Students eligible for resource services are determined by the Academic Resources Team. The E3 program is also in charge of our Enrichment program for 3rd through 8th grade students.
What is the Speech Program? How are candidates for the program determined?
- The Speech & Language Therapist screens all new Preschool, Kindergarten and Primary students to determine those individuals who may need speech therapy. Once screened, the therapist assesses individual needs using a variety of age appropriate devices. The Speech Therapist is available to perform auditory scans designed to detect more serious auditory deficiencies. If speech tutoring or resource assistance is needed, the therapist schedules this with the classroom teacher.
Are there special provisions made for learning disabled students? What are they?
- Saint Edward-Epiphany attempts to meet the needs of every individual student. Minor classroom accommodations are possible for a student with a learning deficiency.
What feedback from teachers can parents expect in addition to the twice-yearly conferences?
- Each teacher maintains a Google classroom page. This page is a great resource for information about classwork and assignments. For students in Jr. Kindergarten through 6th grade, the weekly Red/White Folder is used for ongoing communication between home and school. In addition, every teacher has a school email account via which they may be reached.
Are curriculum expectations defined and available to parents before the start of the school year?
- St. Edward-Epiphany follows the Diocese of Richmond Consensus Curriculum for each subject area. There are specific guidelines for each subject taught at the elementary level. The diocesan directives are broad based and are in no way to be confused with the public school SOLs.